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Helping you defend against today’s cyber threats

Defend against threats blog
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Defending against cyber threats wasn’t always this complex. With your antimalware software up to date and suspicious websites blocked, you could feel assured that your organisation and people’s data was safe from those who wanted to do you harm. Those days are gone.

In our latest blog, Advania’s Security and Compliance Product Director Pravesh Kara describes the increasing complexity of cyber threats, why many approaches to security are simply not enough to combat modern threat actors, and what you can do to ensure your security now and for the future.

Organisations today face a cyber security threat that was unimaginable a just few years ago. The increase in AI collaboration adoption and the determination of threat actors to stay one step ahead of security defences has resulted in a cyber threat landscape that is evolving at an astonishing pace.

The basic aim remains the same – ensure that you and your people are protected in the most robust manner possible. But the requirements needed to guarantee security are becoming increasingly complex. As a result, more and more businesses are turning to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) for outsourced monitoring and management of systems and security devices.

Outdated cyber risk governance: how we used to defend against cyber threats

The tried and tested methods of cyber risk governance of years gone by are now falling well short of the ambitious efforts of threat actors.

‘Set it and forget it’ tools – the ones many of us relied upon for decades – were based around convenience and simplicity. A yearly upgrade of our defences and a loosely monitored internet firewall was the extent of security for many organisations. But these tools only go so far in protecting sensitive data and information. They can’t offer the proactive protection required to defend against evolving and expanding cyber threats.

Many traditional security tools operate with a silo mentality, meaning that even class-leading software and programs struggle to combat multiple simultaneous threats which can be unleashed across different systems.

A new approach is required, one which has the capacity to repel the extreme tactics that threat actors routinely employ and provides defences that can scale to satisfy specific needs.

A modern method to defend against cyber threats

Microsoft’s Digital Defence Report 2022 highlights the urgency for organisations to realise that cybercrime is continuing to rise, with both random and targeted attacks commonplace.

Attackers are increasingly turning to a dual-pronged strategy to facilitate their crimes:

  1.  a broad campaign that relies on a staggering volume of attempts at breaching thousands of organisations’ defence;
  2. one comprising of targeted and detailed surveillance.

Such widespread dangers require proactive cyber risk governance.

From human-operated ransomware – which can cost victims up to hundreds of thousands of pounds in a single month – to elite-level strategies employed by nation-states, the increasing complexity of cyber threats means that poor security tags you as a tantalising prospect for threat actors. Modernising your entire approach is necessary to avoid falling prey.

In the year to July 2022, almost 35bn identity threats and 37bn email threats were blocked through Microsoft’s Advanced Security technologies. The constant development of tactics available to cyber criminals means that the evolution of defence systems must be equally unending.A proactive cyber risk governance strategy

Threat actors have not only progressed with regard to the severity of the danger they pose, but also in their efficiency and knowledge.

Cyber criminals have evolved into a network of collaborative actors who benefit from automation, giving them greater efficiency and faster execution.

To defend against cyber threats of this increasing complexity and severity, many organisations are turning to MSSPs. This service offers the expertise and experience to manage all of your technology security needs, working in partnership with your people to ensure that your specific needs are fulfilled.

This level of defence provides you with the proactive decision-making to keep your people and data safe, while giving you the peace of mind that a hands-off solution frees up your time to focus on the day-to-day operations that require your attention.

As an MSSP, Advania has a team of  experts who can assess the immediate risks to your environment and offer you greater visibility to threats you are facing across multiple channels. But we can also work with you to create long-term strategies and tactical plans to ensure your security in the future, utilising Microsoft’s advanced security technologies.

Learn to defend against cyber threats with Advania

Do you need to know more about managing the increasing complexity of cyber threats? Our experts are offering a number of free workshops in collaboration with Microsoft to introduce the value of working with an MSSP.  

In each session you will discover what threats your organisation is at risk from, and what our managed cyber security service team can do to safeguard your data and people. 

From how to secure your most business-critical data to defining a long-term strategy to discover and respond to evolving threats, these workshops will provide real-world examples of where Advania’s MSSP offers can help you by leveraging the technology of Microsoft’s advanced security. 

The workshops are available on a limited basis, so don’t delay in registering: 


With the increased rate of cyber security threats not looking likely to slow down in the future – and in all probability more likely to increase – organisations cannot afford to be on the back foot when it comes to protection. Our experts are waiting to hear from you about how we can support your people to remain one step ahead of the threat actors targeting your organisation and defend against the immediate risks. 

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