Ainavda Holdco AB
(Group tax policy applicable to Advania UK holdings Limited and all subsidiaries)
Advania wants to be recognized as a reliable, long-term, and responsible corporate citizen, which at all times acts in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and which balances the shareholder’s interest with the public interest in a transparent way. The purpose of this tax policy, which has been adopted by the Board of Directors, is to ensure a clear framework for tax management within the Advania Group. The Tax Policy applies to all Advania entities and employees, and it defines principles for tax compliance and reporting, transfer pricing and tax risk management. The Tax Policy covers all taxes, including Corporate Income Tax, VAT, and Social Security Contributions.
The Advania Group shall comply with the tax laws and regulations in all countries where it operates. Tax compliance is a matter of legal adherence and responsible business behavior. Tax compliance therefore requires consideration of both the wording and the spirit of the law.
Where tax laws and regulations are unclear, prudence shall be observed by applying a high standard of professional integrity to maintain The Advania Group’s reputation as a compliant taxpayer contributing to society wherever operations take place.
The Advania Group strives to comply with domestic and international tax reporting requirements and shall act transparently towards Tax Authorities, by providing them with all relevant information requested to assess the Group’s compliance with tax laws and regulations.
The Advania Group seeks to ensure that taxes are paid where value is created by adhering to applicable transfer pricing rules and guidelines as developed by the OECD and other standard setting and regulatory bodies.
The Advania Group has a conservative approach to tax and a corresponding risk profile. This means that the group strives to limit the tax risks that exist at the same time that the business must be conducted in an efficient manner.
The Advania Group has a business-oriented approach to its tax costs but does not engage in aggressive tax planning. Aggressive tax planning refers to transactions that have no business purpose other than to reduce taxes or transactions that could jeopardize the company’s reputation and reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.
The tax policy is approved by the Board of Directors of Ainavda Holdco AB and the Advania UK board. The policy is in line with all local and international legislation
We consider that the policy complies with Advania UK Holdings Limited’s obligations in accordance with paragraph 16(2) and paragraph 25(1), Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016 for the year ended 31 December 2022.
This document has been approved by the Chief Financial Officer of Advania Holdings UK Limited, as of 20/12/2023.
Date of last update: 20/12/23